What is Data Backup?
A data backup is a copy or archive of the information stored on your devices like a computer, phone, or tablet, and it’s used to restore that original information in the event of a data loss.
When do you lose your data?
Data losses can occur in many forms like hard drive failures, Hackers, Viruses, Malware, ransomware attacks, and natural disasters like fire, flood, and even human error or physical theft.
How do data backup works?
Data backup is stored in a secure, separate location from an original location, such as another directory, network, external storage device, or cloud.
Backup in Smart POS
> You don’t need to worry about taking offline backup in Smart POS since it will take the backup automatically every time you close the application.
> We are recommended to take Online backup every day end. Consider a situation that your system is not working and hard disk is damaged. In this case we can prepare a new system and restore the database from our cloud backup. This can be done withing 30 minutes of time period.